Iron On Repair Cotton Patch Hole Motifs 50mm by 75mm SELECT ANY 2 7 COLOURS 321D


Iron On Repair Cotton Patch Hole Motifs 50mm by 75mm SELECT ANY 2 7 COLOURS 321D

50mm by 75mm Iron On Fabric

Width..75mm. These are quite small so please check if the sizes are suitable for your project.

You are purchasing 2 patches.

You can select 2 different colours using the drop-down selection for the two colours. You will only get the image of the first item and the second you won’t but we will know on our order from the second colour.

Uses..Use to repair a hole or cut to a shape as a design feature on a garment.

The more you buy the cheaper it will work out per item.

Please look carefully at all the photos as they will help in selecting your item.

Weight0.09 kg

Modified Item


Country/Region of Manufacture


Custom Bundle

Unit Type

Unit Quantity


Suitable For

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Unit of Sale


Colour 1

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Colour 2

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